Hi Dan I found this post as I am having exactly the same issues with my 8 mo Charlie, did u find anything that worked? Did Harley grow out of it?
I've been using white vinegar with bicarb of soda to clean the floor, is this suitable do you think?
Hi Jo, Thank you for your reply. I've sat and read through quite a few posts on here today (while Charlie was having a kip :)) and feel a bit...
Hi I have an 8 week old lab, he's been home 4 days and I'm struggling a little with the toilet training. I know it's very early days but I was...
Hi everyone After a long search we finally brought our 8 week old black lab puppy Charlie home on Sunday. It's been quite a while since we...
Thank you, it's great to be here.
Thanks for the welcome, I can't wait for the arrival of the new pup :)
Hi I'm new here. We had a black and yellow lab a few years ago now and very sadly had to say goodbye to our best friends, they lived to a grand...
Thank you so much everyone for your comments. I am about to turn down this puppy and go with our gut instinct. One thing I've realised is that...
Hi I'm new here and would appreciate some advice. A bit of background first... We had 2 gorgeous Labradors up until 4 and 4.5 years ago, they...