Re: Charlie has a Possible Torn Tendon or Dislocated Toe ;(;(;(;(;( I'm in a similar situation, Bella is 13 months old and a couple of months ago...
18 months ago I lost my beautifull 12 half year old black lab Lucy, I spent the next year grieving and telling everyone I would never have another...
Re: Any suggestions Usually just the training class which is outside, I think she's just waiting for a dog to pounce on. When she sees a dog...
Re: Any suggestions All I get out of training is Bella gets to play at the end of training. she doesn't care for anything else.i can't leave...
Re: Any suggestions By conventional training I mean walk around, sit stay walk stay etc. she seems to find it boring.yes after about two rounds...
Bella I think does not like run of the mill training methods. Walking around a square with other dogs does not appeal to her. She's the only one...
Re: Bleeding after spay Just thought I would let you know Bella has been to the vets today to have her stitches removed.the bleeding was possibly...
Re: Bleeding after spay Thank you I'll let you know how she gets on
Re: Bleeding after spay Thanks for your replies, I wish the vet nurse had explained it like that Lochan. I would say it is maybe slightly more...
Bella is 8 months old and she was spayed 7 days ago, today she is bleeding red blood from her 'ladies bit' (sorry didn't know how else to put...
Re: I'd like to see a recent pic of all your pups! Here's Bella at six...
Re: I'd like to see a recent pic of all your pups! Here's Bella at 9 weeks
Re: In trouble again Thank you for all your advise it really helps. I do use a harness with the training line I also use a halti harness that has...
Re: In trouble again I have brought a long line just getting used to using it, she nearly took my arm off the other day and I had been going out...
Re: In trouble again Sorry just weighed her now 32kg!
I posted on 'let your puppy of the lead' a couple of weeks ago about 7 month old Bella getting me in trouble for jumping up someone. I have always...
Hi everyone I'm here with my beautiful 7 month old yellow Lab Bella. I lost my lovely black lab last year at 12 half which Broke my heart and I...
Re: Attention new puppy owners! Let your puppy off the lead. Hi Naya Thank you, I can get her to wait next to me and she will wait when when I...
Re: Attention new puppy owners! Let your puppy off the lead. Hi everyone I have a 7 month old yellow lab called Bella who I let her off the lead...