Hi there! My 9 month old Boomer, lab mix rescue sounds just like your Huck! I am terrified of him at times, as are my kids. We just had him...
Thank you so much for your detailed reply! Very helpful information and way of looking how he is processing our relationship. I will look into...
Thank you for your thoughtful response. I agree with all you are saying. I am miserable and feel like I am “managing” this dog and rarely enjoy...
Thank you so much for your reply and sharing your experience. It seems as though this arousal biting is common with golden retrievers as well....
Thanks for your reply! 1. I had walked him to the vet’s office which is close to my house. While at the vet he ,understandably, became very...
Should say “forearms” not “firearms” lol.
We are first time dog owners and we rescued a 3.5 month old black lab/hound mix who is now 8 months old. We have been having serious trouble with...
Hello vicvegas! I am reading your story and it sounds nearly identical to mine. My lab/hound mix rescue is now 7 months old. I was wondering if...