I had a rescue Springer Spaniel that we let off the lead she ran off and refused to come back. I got the feeling she had been punished in her...
If Willow would drop the ball for a treat this would work so I will take 2 balls and only throw one when I have the other. The issue is she sees...
I don't interact if she is running out of reach just ignore her until she is ready to give it up.
We started throwing a ball for Willow out on walks as you see other dogs doing all the time. At first she was really good and even dropped the...
The last day or two Willow has become very cuddly she even fell asleep in my hubby's arms last night I thought there was something wrong with her....
I am on the fence with Willow. I had a rescue Springer at 18 months and one condition was to have her spayed. She developed cancer that spread...
Have you tried distracting the pup with treat finding. Willow loves playing find the treat. She gets very hyper when out and sees other dogs. The...
I never meant to suggest in any way to resort to cruel measures it was just a thought I have never had dominance issues with any of my dogs. I...
Willow is 1 year old now and still is very mouthy. I tell her no biting and she licks me then. She still bites my son and husband but not hard. I...
My Spaniels were very cuddly and stayed that way all their lives. Willow is 1 year old now and has never been a cuddly dog. She will come in the...
Try getting her used to being given a treat at the same time you fuss her round the neck area so she gets used to being handled there. Then when...
My 2 female springers wasn't that interested in other dogs and never marked. Willow loves other dogs she marks more closer to home we get.
Look at enrichment training. Willow was tired out after her adult enritchment /basic training classes. We did lots of treat based exercises at...
Is it normal for a female dog to pee every few minutes like a male dog would pee up a post. I have had female dogs before and none of them marked...
The thing that really helped me with Willow pulling to get to other dogs or cats ect was the perfect fit harness that has a clip at the front it's...
Personally I would look for parents with hip scores but it's tatally your decision. It the other dogs have been scored why not the parents it...
Anything like this happens contact the vet for advice they will know what to do and advise should any treatment be needed.
Willow used to pee in the crate in the car going but was fine coming home. I got her to pee before getting in and this solved it. I think she was...
She is actually eating a complete dried food with a sachet of waitrose high meat morning and night she is not fat but has muscle so she is not...