They’ve been on different varieties of food - the same as each other, different etc. It hasn’t made any difference! Haven’t tried raw - not...
HI - I have two, male, black virtually perfect (I am biased!) 2 year old labs. They have great recall, retrieving, are well behaved around other...
Hi - well, one of them turned 2 years a couple of months ago and the other is 2 next week. They are amazing and we absolutely do not regret the...
Hi - interested to read this. My Barney will be two years in October. He had a dodgy system for many months when he was a puppy requiring...
Well, when they were puppies I took them to a gun dog trainer who didn’t believe in giving dogs treats. So, they just came back when they were...
Hi - thank you so much for replying! It is quite disheartening when you post a cry for help and no one responds! Thank you for your advice which...
Hi - we have two lovely, male labs - one nearly two and the other about 18 months. They have both had fairly extensive formal training and their...
Hi, just wondering if anyone else has experience of a skin rash/possible allergy? Have taken my nearly 18 month old black male lab to the vets...
Hi - thanks for the extensive response! You must have read my mind because we have pretty much come to the same conclusion. I’ve told the dog...
Hi - I know I'm late joining the party, but the issues on this thread are so similar to my current experience. I have two male intact Labs - one...
Hi - so glad to hear we are not the only mad people in the world! Well, hopefully I can make you feel better (like people on here did for me!)....
Thank you! Lots of positive vibes which I needed. I think the main issue is not two male dogs (we’ve done that before), but the closeness in age....
Hi - it's a long story but basically we have ended up with two male black labs - one is 5 months (we got him at 15 weeks) and the other is now 3...