Just wanted to show how far we have come :) [IMG] [IMG]
Wow what a difference! I hardly recognise my own dog! Ordered one of these beauties to mainly help my other half who has been doing the bulk of...
Re: Yay! Ear licks! :D I like Harley kisses apart from when she has in the cow field, snaffling multi-animal "presents"
Re: Vomit, vomit everywhere Poor girl!
Re: Our Finn treat his toy like it is his mother Mags! Tatze is adorable, how do you ever say No to those eyes?!
Re: Labrador behaving appallingly! I remember taking Harley on a "Lovely Family Day Out" back in the summer, we loaded the kids and dog in the...
Given our injured states, Harley and I are getting a bit bored so I thought this morning I would proof some of our old commands and introduce a...
Re: What can I do? Just wanted to add to the sympathy! I broke my ankle earlier in the week and Harley is still recovering post spay so we are...
Re: Post-spay lump Thanks for your replies :) Vet reckons she might have pulled one of her stitches (too much bouncing), we are going back on...
Re: Spay day Aww bless, Harley was so adorable and drowsy post op. Back to her usual sod I mean angel of herself now
Re: Hattie's gone in for her Surgery ;(;(;(;( Bless the poor pooches x
At the end of my tether! Not with the dog for once, though she is my lastest concern. Harley was spayed just over a week ago and just now I have...
Re: Awful trip to the vet yesterday... Well after initially infuriating me further, one vet there has totally redeemed the place ;D We went in...
Re: Awful trip to the vet yesterday... I'm going to pop in tomorrow, the vet is in our village, a 5-10 min walk away and in the past I've nipped...
Re: Bad news at Dental check up :(
Re: Awful trip to the vet yesterday... I was very disappointed, they have been great vets so far but the nurse Harley doesn't like seems to not...
Took Harley for her post op trip to the vets today, what a total disaster. She is fine which is the main thing but she was so naughty. Catalogue...
Re: Does your dog talk/sing to her toys?! Have to confess I talk back to Harley too, awr awr awwrrrr. Silly pups
Re: Teaching Harley to relax, well trying to! [img]
Re: Post op cuteness Judging by the little fluffy clouds appearing out of an old toy, she is feeling better :P