Re: Early wake ups No changes , we do let him out and he does pee and poop , but I don't think its urgent especially since it's only 5 or so hours
My lab pup is a few days over 6 months old, now just within the last month he has been waking early , now I don't put him to bed in his crate...
Re: Natural flea and tick trestments Ticks are my biggest concern as where I live we have them in abundance! The vet asked us about starting...
Anyone using a all natural flea and tick treatment for puppies ,I just picked up my 8 week old and want to use all natural and not the poisonness...
Re: Embrace pet insurance I was looking at pet plan, going to compare them and embrace side by side
Anyone have it? Looking at it for a future pup and looks like it is good? Any thoughts ?
Re: dog insurance Thanks , I'll look into it! Gonna have two also at some point!
anyone carry insurance on there dogs? like it, dislike it what brand, getting new puppy soon and am doing some researching on it , lots of...