Re: Can t lift her head Just an update about my dear girl, she started breathing very fast and giving a little bark out of her every few minutes,...
Re: Can t lift her head Hi, thank u all for ur kind words during this hard time, she was on 4 x 25mg tramadol a day and then 2 x 50mg a day...
Re: Can t lift her head Hi, I took her to the vet who suspects it's arthritis spreading and advised us to increase her Tramadol to 4 a day from...
Re: Can t lift her head Her paws and ears aren't cold, her gums look a dark pink and her breathing is normal, She hasn't moved much only out for...
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any advice on why my 13 1/2 year old lab can't seem to lift her head, she was fine last night, not eating much...
Re: Trouble standing up Thank u all for all the comforting words during this heart breaking time , the vet only gave me tramadol and no other...
Hi, I m really in need of some advice for Jess my 13 year old lab , she doesn't seem to want to go on long walks anymore , so we ve been taking...