Really appreciate all the replies. Thanks everyone.
Thank you. I need to use the kitchen as a puppy area, no option. I just need to manage this as best I can. Good to know others do use the kitchen too.
Hi The consistent message is that when he sits nicely / has four paws on the floor he is rewarded / given positive reinforcement. IE the behaviour...
Hi Thanks again. Just to reiterate. Pup has not been rewarded by getting anything to eat - there's been nothing for him to get and he is under...
Thank you for the quick responses. Just for context, I can prepare his food on the worktops or get his training treats ready without him jumping...
Hi, My puppy is now 6 months and generally doing great. We have been steadfastly applying the advice found on this forum - many thanks to all who...
Hi. I had already added this to previous thread but think I needed to do as a new post so apologies for this appearing twice. Having managed to...
So, having managed to drop the middle of the night trip and got to a place where I got pup up at 11.30 and was able to get through to a 6 am get...
Excellent! Thank you both for taking the time to reply.
Hi! I've noted that my pup really enjoys gardening , particularly chewing any wood available (as well as demolishing his body weight in grass!!)....
Thank Jo. Will keep this up.
Many thanks to everyone for the helpful advice. First yelp free night last night - totally appreciate there's a long way to go but there is hope!...
Hi Jo Many thanks for your advice. I did have the pup in the crate next to me for the first 4 nights as per the recommendation in The Happy Puppy...
Thank you for all the replies. Much appreciated. I'll persist with the 3 hourly trips out and see how we go. The problem is more that he doesn't...
Hello! I've a 10 week old lab puppy. Totally gorgeous boy and doing great in so many ways. However, night crying is escalating rather than...