Thanks for the feedback and encouragement Michael. Millie seems okay with the 90 minute period unless she drinks a large amount of water. I...
Also forgot to mention I have playtime of around 10 minutes with Millie after she’s hopefully had her Pee after the 90 minutes on the deck. o o
I never realised how hard it was going to be looking after our 9-10 week puppy. My 14 year old Daughter really was keen to get a puppy, especially...
Many thanks for the comprehensive reply and apologies for the late reply. First time I have logged on since posting.
Thanks for the advice. Apologies for the late reply. I have not logged on since posting
Wondering what would be the ideal dog crate size for our new 8 week old puppy ?
Hi, It's Ken from Melbourne, Australia. Four weeks to go till we collect our new Labrador puppy.