hello all. I lost my ten year old Labrador on 13th of Feb ,She was my first child.its still not possible to cope up with her loss. I got my new...
Hello. Thanks dear
Thanks .hi glad we connected
Hello .thanks a lot
Thank you so much
Wow congratulations.welcome new puppy.
Hi so sorry to hear about your loss,n I completely understand how you feel,I lost my ten year old Labrador last week.its devastating n heart...
hi all So glad I joined this forum. I lost my girl Labrador ten years on 13th of Feb night to chronic renal failure. I am here to share my grief...
Thanks so much Mandy.
Thanks so much Lucy
I joined this forum as right now I m grieving loss of my ten years old female Yellow Labrador Candy. She was my first baby ,my eldest daughter ..I...