Like chalk and cheese in my experience. Goldens are more like giant spaniels. Labradors are much easier to train for gundog work. There's very...
8 currently. They are working dogs (but pets and sofa snugglers first!). Life is mayhem and rather muddy, but we're happy :-)
North Yorkshire. 8 labs. All black :-)
As a starting point, I would take her straight to the vet to rule out any medical cause/pain. All being well, they can then refer you to a...
Could you ask your vet to clarify what he meant by his "kidney values" being 24? If this is SDMA, then 24 would be exceedingly high, but I'm sure...
How awful for you and your boy. I'd take him back to the vet to look into this kidney issue further. Kidney failure can make them feel really...
Today, I'd expect a lab pup from FULLY health tested parents (with ideal results!), thoughts gone into appropriate pairing, FTCH sired, and...
Reward every recall. At 5 months she's still very much a baby and is going to be distracted from time to time. Make yourself the best option x
I train a lot of labradors. I see no difference in the blacks and yellows, but significantly more issues with 'fox reds'. No necessarily reactive,...
Their growth slows a lot from 5 1/2 ish months old so their feeding requirement also reduces. What's his current body condition score? If he's...
Some of my girls 'sulk' when they're in season, but bounce back to their usual selves quickly.
Take this time to train her impulse control. Start very gradually with sit (stay), gradually increasing the time and the distractions. Use her...
Is your husband wanting to resolve this? If so could he take the pup out for a little walk and training in the garden when he gets home? Even...
First from a health standpoint- have they both had stools tested for coccidosis and giardia? This would be a good starting point if not. From a...
A few reasons: Labradors can suffer from various hereditary issues. Buying a registered pup from a respectable breeder means that you can check...
In this situation, I would avoid the issue. He's very young so will hopefully forget this behaviour quite quickly. The more often he practices the...
This is not a behaviour which is likely to be changed through neutering, but can be successfully managed with training. When does he do it? If...
I would try a smaller crate so that he cannot move away from his bed to toilet.
No idea why, but is it possible that he hurt/scared himself, caught his claw or something? I would say though, that there's no real reason for him...
Hi Jinita, what are you feeding them, how much and when were they last wormed? I start mine on raw beef mince mushed into warm goats milk at 21...