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Re: Strange behavior while toileting Perhaps worth checking with a vet that the anal glands are ok and don't need emptying? It could just be that...
Re: Still biting Is it when you stroke her along her back and chest, her head or all over? Because some dogs really hate hands going for their...
Re: Ways of interacting with puppy without treats I heard that tug is apparently bad for puppy teeth or something but when my girl was teething...
Re: rawhide bones My girl won't touch rawhide chews. She'll eat the coloured part if it has one but otherwise she's not interested and I'm quite...
Re: Family gathering with puppy If it's somewhere the puppy has never been before then maybe take the crate and find a quiet spot to put it in so...
Re: What is your toy policy?! I think what you're doing is great! I have 2 Nylabones that are always out should that need to chew occur and my...
Re: Barking! My girl is 7 months and the only times I've heard her bark is when she's shoved her face repeatedly on the oven door or radiator and...
Re: A strong-willed, little madam! I know exactly what you mean! My girl went to puppy classes from when she was 12 weeks and she was a little...
Re: cost of spaying My girl was spayed about 3 weeks ago at 7 months (before her first heat) and weighing 22kg. It cost me £180 and that included...
Re: So cute! Shame about the owner. I get a lot of problems with off lead walkers :( my pup (along with all other labrador pups!) is so friendly...
Re: Nail Trimming My lab lets me cut away at her nails quite happily when she's sleepy or even asleep (providing your dog doesn't startle awake!)...
Re: Spaying experiences? sorry for worrying you! It is very rare for these things to happen. It's been a week now and the scabbing has come off...
Re: Spaying experiences? My spaying experience so far has NOT been fun! My 7 month old girl was spayed on Friday (before her 1st season). She...
Re: Found a Tooth I think mine lost her first tooth on Halloween and by December she had all of her adult teeth in... maybe it took a few days...
Re: Found a Tooth I've got about 10 teeth from my girl including 2 canines and the huge funny shaped back teeth. They're so tiny compared to what...
Re: Stuffed kongs My girl has one of the pink puppy Kongs and I'm thinking of switching her to an adult one soon. She's not managed to break it...
Re: New Buster collar My girl came home from the vets with a buster collar on Friday from being spayed and so far the only time she's worn it has...
Re: How much does your puppy weigh? My girl got weighed this week to be spayed and she's 22kg at 7 months. She's all muscle and mischief!
Re: 6th month old lab biting I don't actually scare her, more like shock her into stopping when she's in that zone. It doesn't bother her just...