Re: At my wits end It does get better! Only 2.5 months ago I was in tears on a regular basis because I thought Ruby was never going to "get...
Re: De-crating & Leaving Puppy Sounds like a tricky one. Could you not start with putting her bed next to the crate in the hall and see what happens?
Re: De-crating & Leaving Puppy Oh no Rolokris! That sounds terrible! Hopefully it was a one off and it won't be too expensive to put right!
Re: De-crating & Leaving Puppy Thanks for sharing your stories everyone! 3rd night with Ruby out of her crate was another success! I think we...
Re: De-crating & Leaving Puppy The dining room is shut off so apart from the corners of kitchen cupboards there isn't anything for her to chew in...
Re: De-crating & Leaving Puppy Ruby has never chewed anything - except what she is supposed to! We have been very very lucky so far. She has just...
Hi all, Happy New Year! Hope you all had a lovely break (if you got one) over the festive season. We had a wonderful time, introduced Ruby to the...
Re: And so it begins.... Oh no! This really made me chuckle! Ruby can now jump on the sofa (although it sometimes seems like she is an olympic...
Re: Worming Tablet question... Thanks! Think I'm just going to have to find time to go to the vets tomorrow! Don't want to risk it and I know she...
Re: Worming Tablet question... Thank you. They started asking me about active ingredients - of which I know nothing - so a little worried that...
Ruby is due to be wormed tomorrow and I'm not going to have chance to go to the vets and pick up tablets so I've just bought some from local pet...
Re: Help!! Constant indoor accidents! Thanks! :)
Re: Help!! Constant indoor accidents! She is much better today. This morning she went to the toilet outside as normal and Hubby has reported no...
Re: Help!! Constant indoor accidents! Thank you so much everyone. She has just been up for an hour. We went outside every 20mins and rewarded...
Hope someone can offer some shred of advice (or hope!). Our puppy (14 weeks on Tuesday) is constantly peeing in the house. She has had an upset...
Re: Need some advice re loose stools/diarrhea Thanks, will look in to it.
Re: Need some advice re loose stools/diarrhea We have just gone through a similar thing to you. Ruby had loose/runny stools at the end of last...
Re: Meals I thought it might just be because it is a new food type but the last 2 or 3 poos have been runny not just soft! This morning she even...
Re: Meals Thanks John! They said the Lamb Meal part was too high and was basically the scraps off the floor and because they hadn't heard of...
Re: Meals Yes they do! They basically said CSJ had too much protein and too much ash but then the sample of food they gave us had more protein...