Re: Willow's all jabbed up! How exciting, I can't wait to take Rollo out for his first walk :)
Re: Sleep fluke or breakthrough?! I've always gone with that theory with the kids and once they slept through a couple of times, took the tough...
Re: Introduction :) No I don't have a clicker Fiona, I've just been using voice cues at the moment although to be honest I haven't really started...
Re: Introduction :) Hi Kris, your post made me giggle as we clearly have similar taste in names as well as Rollo/Rolo we had both Freya and...
Re: Sleep fluke or breakthrough?! Yes!!! I put him down at 11.30pm and didn't hear a peep until just after 6am, and I think that was just because...
Re: Sleep fluke or breakthrough?! Well that's him down although he didn't poo before bed despite me waiting outside with him in the freezing cold...
Re: Introduction :) Thanks so much for all the replies, its nice to hear a bit about everyone. Lovely to see a few 'locals' too :) . Laura, I'm...
Hi everyone, I've just joined this board recently as we got our first puppy last Saturday, a gorgeous chocolate boy called Rollo who was born on...
Re: Sleep fluke or breakthrough?! Thank you!! At the moment I'm sleeping in the family room which is just off the utility where Rollos crate is...
Re: Eeek! Another puppy?!?! Oh how exciting, although it'll obviously be hard work, I'm sure it'll be more than worth it!!
Re: What are our chances of having a Christmas tree this year? Really interesting hearing everyone's thoughts as we were just talking about it...
Hi everyone, I had the very pleasant surprise of Rollo sleeping through last night (until 6.30am when I ended up waking him as I was worried...
Re: Eeek! Another puppy?!?! Hi, sorry I've just seen this now. I've only just joined this site so don't know you but by the sounds of it you've...
Re: Sleep help? Oh and I would love to share some pics with you (& see yours) but I've no idea how. I'm on an iPad, how do I do it? Apologies,...
Re: Sleep help? Thank you so much for all the advice everyone, it's really appreciated. Last night I put a towel over his crate and didn't speak...
Hi everyone, I have just joined this page after getting my first lab puppy (a gorgeous wee chocolate boy called Rollo) on Saturday. I've read...