Hi Athena, thanks so much for responding - every little insight helps and we are grateful. Charlie comes from a lineage of "Big Boys" but I think...
Hi J.D. - No offense taken :) My husband says that Charlie is slightly overweight - the vet hasn't said anything. Charlie comes from a lineage...
Thanks so much for replying - we feed Charlie 2 times a day and each feeding is 1 cup so I don't think that is the issue. Sometimes he will only...
Hi All: I am new to posting so I hope I am asking this question in the right spot. We have a 4 1/2 yr American Chocolate Lab - previously, we...
Thanks so much for the warm welcome - we need to browse the site to find out where to ask about some issues we're currently having. Have a great...
Good Afternoon from Montreal - Charlie and I are just stopping by to introduce ourselves and say hello to everyone. We're here hoping to find...