The other afternoon, hubby had taken our boy out on a nearby enclosed field for exercise. Hero has been doing so well off lead for some time and...
Hello Royston. Our 20 month old boy gets on average this time of year about an hour off lead, a training walk on lead as he has some leash issues...
My Hero - (Stardate 16/11/2020) 18 months old, goodness wherever has that time gone. Continuing to work on recall with my handsome lad. For the...
Just lately I've seen quite a few posts from people struggling with doggie behaviour. Been there with several issues myself with my beautiful 18...
Hero at 16 months. First, simply because I am over the moon and cannot shower enough praise on Hero this morning - after weeks working on his...
Hi we're in North West Norfolk in the UK
Hero's recall training. Since we've been able to take him out and about Hero's really gotten back on track with his recall retraining. Lots of...
Hi from Hero. He's now 15 months and a big boy who went through both these issues. Regarding the jumping up and biting)mouthing when you sit down....
Update on stomach issues. Just been to vets for booster vaccinations. She did full examination and health check on Hero. Very pleased with how...
Hi having read your thread I can understand why you are so concerned. We have a quite highly strung 15 month old Labrador who has in the past...
Hi. As Edp says try sound associations starting at low levels. You can find a recording of just about any noise on YouTube. I used many different...
Hero after lockdown. Last time I posted was in March before the world went to pieces. We were doing well, looking forward to next level in lots of...
Hero sounds a bit like Max and picks new things up fairly quickly. Keeps him mentally stimulated as well which tires him out. We found that...
Just an update on Hero's stomach issues. Vet just called to say that all Hero's test results have come back clear of any nasties requiring further...
Since first being weaned, Hero has been found to have sensitivity and intolerance to certain foods, so it's been a case of trial and error to give...
Hero, our beautiful boy is almost 13 months. It's been a right rollercoaster ride with him but it's been worth it. From the little furball that I...
Hi. Lots of sympathy for how stressed you must be feeling, know from own experience how it can get you down, but...from reading your post, 2 main...
I recently read your great article on this subject Pippa simply because, although we have never considered this for Hero, we have been asked by...
Hi Kari. At 6 months our Hero was just the same. When out on the common it was deer, sheep, horse poop. Fox and rabbit poop were a favourite...
Hero is coming up to a year old next week. Now he seems to have settled into lockdown routines which have, I'm sure changed things quite...