Our boy Monte was very on or off like you describe. I had to post, as I’ve been on this forum so much when he was younger... we would have to...
Hi, had to reply as our boy is the same! Always wanting to go outside to bark at passing things, but we let him out because sometimes he does need...
Hello Hope and Beth from Monte, my 9 month old lab and me
Haha love this My hoomans here all the time too! But I hears Dad upstairs making odd noises so I bark at him cos I fink he likes it. He comes...
Hi Kim, I’m curious what type of floor covering that this is happening on? Our lab has times where he does what you’re describing on non-carpeted...
I really hope so! It’s a daily challenge I must say. I find it so hard to give him enough attention but without giving him too much. I feel like I...
Thank you so so much Emma, this really does chime with how Monte is. I think this virus has created more stress for him because of a change of...
Hi, we have a 9 month old fox red lab called Monte, who is a live wire to say the least, but generally he’s fabulous. He has always been an...
We chose not to let Monte on the furniture mainly because I don’t want him to assume he can in other peoples houses. So it’s one rule everywhere...
That sounds like an amazing way forward for you both. I’m sure with that level of training and focus and given time to mature you will have a...
I’m sorry I can’t offer any proper advise, but wanted to comment because I am having a similar problem. I got pulled into the road the other day,...
Hiya, I just had to comment as I know exactly what you are going through. I felt the same with a hyper new puppy and new (unexpected) pregnancy. I...
Thank you so much for your replies. I will keep considering.
Hi all, Monte is 7 months old. We have our first baby due in May this year. I’ve read a lot about the pros and cons of neutering and have decided...
Monte is the most vocal lab I’ve known. He’s 7 months and does seem to have got worse this last month. He barks at the washing machine, at people...
Love your points. It’s so good to keep going back and learning and re learning. We change, they change. Your Hero sounds so much like our Monte....
If you look back at some of my posts you’ll see that I almost rehomed him because of his uncontrollable biting and the fact that I’m pregnant, I...
Hi David, just want to say it sounds like you’re doing great. You care, and that’s what they need. It is a huge shock to the system how difficult...
Hiya! Firstly Nelson is a fabulous Labrador name Thank you for your bathtime tips, I have to say we have never tried to bath Monte (he’s just...
Hi all, just wanted to post a little update on Monte. Since my original post things are much improved. We can now go for short walks without me...