Ah thank you. I had wondered if that might happen, casting my mind back to horribly early starts with the kids who now sleep in til goodness...
I've had some really helpful answers on this site previously so hoping for the same! My puppy is 8 months, gets 2 lovely walks a day one at 8am,...
Thank you. He is so erratic with it and that is probably what has thrown me. Fine for an hour with no crying one day, but cries the next time....
Hi again. Since my last post at a very low point things have improved. My puppy is now 14 weeks, remains ok in his crate at night, on the whole...
Thanks for the kind words. We're trying to take it all really slowly. There is do much conflicting advice out there, it's hard to not feel like...
Thanks so much for your helpful reply.bit sounds v similar. I think we might try the back seat as we have a harness clip seatbelt thing. Irony is...
Thank you so much. I know in my calm moments that it's about small steps, some forward some backwards but it is hard in the heat of the moment....
I wondered if anyone might offer advice or reassurance. We have a 12 week old labradoodle, who to all intents and purposes looks like and is the...