Oh, also with visitors we'd put him outside and only let him in when he had calmed down. I'd open the door slightly, close it again if he got...
We had that (demand barking/attention seeking barking) in early adolescence. If we were sitting around in the lounge he'd start barking at us. We...
Hey, how did she ‘totally lose it' when other dogs went by? How close were they? I'm trying to figure out what normal might look like..
How'd this turn out?
That's enough exercise. Definitely age related. Lots of threads on exactly this age and these topics. The good news is they do indeed calm as they...
I am A bit late to the thread but teach some brain games too. Mine lives 'find it' and has since about that age. You can hide an object anywhere...
Luckily they grow out of it and eventually sleep through the night. Until then you're stuck with it!
Oh wow, I am so sorry.
I'd get a vet check too, rule out hearing, eyesight etc.
He sounds lonely. I've never used a crate on our dogs and they've always slept in our room. Usually on a mat on either side of the bed. Our dogs...
Mine likes to lay snoring upside down with his feet in the air wedged between the back of the couch and my husband. He also likes to play 'one...
Can you play some fast paced games before you walk him? Might take the edge off? Does he have any dog friends he can play with? Might be worth...
Awww poor Sam! Hope he got well. Stick with him the teen dog months are hard. With training and management he will become lovely.
Mine is 16 months now and starting to calm a bit more. I'm not neutering him or if we do not until he's fully adult. If he's humping the other dog...
An update: Cooper has just turned 16 months. Cooper is doing great walking past people now (on the sidewalk), is heeling well and walking on a...
Front clip harness for sure. I've got a Blue-9, Ruffwear and a couple Dog Copenhagen’s, all good. My guy is pretty good at leash walking but when...
Read up on B.A.T and try that. I started BAT and about 3 months ago while at the same time as much as possible eliminating seeing dogs other than...
I agree with the trainer about the cause. I think you should simplify the problem and break it down. Have you got a dead duck you can use?...
SueH, tire him out a little before a walk with a strenuous fetch ball game or other exercise. Takes the edge off. I found this video which I found...
Probably a crate. Harness and seatbelt they can get tangled up. I speak from experience as harness and seatbelt clip is what I use. You can buy a...