I live in Australia but in a high rainfall area and we have a dam on the property that they use even when it’s -2°c with frost on the ground. We...
Ziggy had his 30 week (tomorrow) weigh in..... 36.4kg or 80.2 lbs. He is a tall boy too, about an inch higher than the top height in the male...
Try reward and release faster. Or sit reward, heel etc so Sully doesn’t think about laying down. Put down or drop in at other times. Hold a...
Pigs ears are good too. Not sure if you can get freeze dried windies or moo tubes where you are. Basically the windpipe. You can stuff them with...
At 9 weeks you still have a lot of accidents ahead. They just don’t have the bladder control. We accept a mess on the floor in the morning so...
When out walking and she pulls turn and walk the other way. It’s part of social walking training. Don’t let her mouth your hands. You can stop...
I have a terrible habit of creating all sorts of names for our pets including horses and our human kid. Ziggy at just 6 months of age is also a...
As long as you can both come in out of the cold afterwards and dry off you’ll be fine. I figure if I can survive the cold so can my dog. Same...
Find a feed you are happy with, find out what the recommended feed rate is and try her on a bit less than that, say 10% less. If she doesn’t look...
The pros of castration are simple things like not learning to wander. Once your dog gets into this habit it is almost impossible to stop. Ziggy...
Ziggy is 6 months old tomorrow, a whole 26 week old bundle of joy and happiness. We took him to the vet for a weigh in a week and a half ago and...
If you are going to feed dry food then check the first 5 ingredients, 3 of the first 5 should be meat or meat meal. And get one that is for large...
Ziggy weighed in last week. 24.5 weeks old 33.6kg = 74lb. He’s a seriously big boy height wise but is on a bit of a diet to make sure we take...
I hope so, he just the loveliest puppy.
Weighed Ziggy at the vet on Saturday. 22 weeks old and he is now 29.6kg or 65 lb. Did I get a Newfoundland instead of a Lab??
Hi, he’s within that. We go to a park a 2-3 times a week where we do some obedience training after an off lead walk and the rest of the time is...
Hi brains trust, any suggestions? My 5 month old pup is often really stiff when he gets up. As he rises he often arches his back like a...
I’m in Australia and use Stay Loyal large breed puppy food. Canidae was also on my list but it is imported and I would prefer to buy locally for a...
That’s great news. Young puppies are a lot of work and yes it can be exhausting. The time you out in comes back to you though in the form of a...
Update on Ziggy the lardo lab, went into the vet today to weight him again. 25kg (55lb) on the knocker, 19 weeks old tomorrow. If the averages...