Wow so many posts and such good advice from you all, thank you. Oberon, yes there are times when he walks normally, at the end of the walk, I let...
Well, I am feeling a little better this morning, had a good sob after writing my post on here , then worried all night that I would not be able to...
Hi All. Desperately needing help right now. Marley is now 10 months old and doing well in lots of ways but I am having terrible trouble walking...
Re: Pet Insurance Thank you all for taking the time to answer to my post. I went with the Pet Protect one, will see how it goes and over the...
Marley is 14 weeks old tomorrow. We haven't started a gret deal of serious training, I have enrolled him at classes starting from next Saturday...
Re: Hi from Me and Marley Hi All I have finally figured out how to post some pictures in the photo section. Hope you like them. Marley is doing...
Re: Hi from Me and Marley Thank you for your kind welcome. Will work out how to post a picture and then can show you what the little horror looks...
Hello Everyone. Thank you for letting us join this wonderful site !!!! I am from hertfordshire England and am the new owner of a 12 week old...
Hi All Not sure if this is in the right place. I have been going round in circles looking at pet insurance. Marley is 12 weeks old, and my...