Hmmm. Mart didn't leave anything out. Prevention goes without saying, or it should. "Hey I'm trying to teach my dog to not eat sticks but I let...
Thanks Siam, over the years I've rescued a fair few, the ones I couldn't keep I've managed to find homes for. I can't stand to see any animal...
You need the "Three P's" :) Patience, Persistence, Perseverance. Think of your pup as a very small child who can't understand a word you say and...
Thanks Siam, like you I've had a few rescue dogs, I'll always give a home to a dog that needs it. The guy who owned Black Dog Faye (now passed)...
Some of you may be familiar with Billy's background but I'll do a quick recap anyway. We took Billy on from the Dogs Trust in January, he's a...
True, Billy doesn't snore, I think he has bad dreams though as he'll wake up crying and crawls into my arms for a hug. Bruno on the other hand,...
Found this, don't know if it's correct or not.
Billy the Maniac kips on my bed, I usually dont encourage it but I needed to build a strong bond very quickly with Billy as he suffers from very...
Billy the Maniac is my lap desk... He's a big lad and he's on my knee now with my Samsung Tablet resting on his back as usual. He's also handy...
We used an inflatable one for Cookie after surgery, it was a large thing and she hated it. After a few days I gave her a load of my old t-shirts...
Hi Ash and welcome. It's so very very difficult, but as Sarah say's it's all too easy to second guess yourself afterwards. I did a lot of that...
Hi all, Billy the Maniac here. One of our hoomans is something called retter# retar# retired, so we're used to him being about all the time. The...
Hi Cyril and Burger. Our Billy lunges at other dogs while out but we know it's down to his anxiety as he was kept locked up by his previous...
I'm usually pretty careful about what I give my dogs but yesterday I dropped a leaf of lettuce while preparing our tea. Billy the Maniac pounced...
Hi Kaliegh. I'm very much inclined to agree with Edp, when your baby arrives your puppy would still very much be a baby her/his self and would...
Blind Dog Bruno and Billy The Maniac say hi and welcome and good on you for rescuing a pupper :) It'll be interesting to watch CiCi grow.
She's thoroughly gorgeous and you're right to be proud of her :)
Very very annoying, I know only too well. Seems a lot of owners of small dogs think their little precious can't hurt bigger dogs but the truth is...
With the exception of our Billy (huge idiot thinks he a lap dog), our other labs liked to toddle off for some time to themselves. Blind Dog Bruno...
I'm sorry Scooby, but this is going to take time. Her entire world is upside down right now and I know that you think you're doing the right thing...