Thank you everyone for your comments, they mean a lot. I just wanted to hear from others who have been through it how they felt making such a big...
No Julie, I asked for people not to criticise our choice I was not being critical of the forum. My post was asking for other dog owners who have...
Hi everyone After much discussion, research and deliberation we had our male lab neutered yesterday. It wasn't a decision we took lightly we...
I tried to de-crate Indy at 4 months without much luck, he is a chewer! We had to buy a 42" crate. He is de-crated now at 1 however he still...
Hmmm we have bought Indy several lovely cushion beds he loved them as a pup but then he began getting his teeth and so far if it can fit in his...
Hi everyone, just out of curiosity what type of beds have your labs got? Indy is one, a typical male lab in behaviour. He has been de-crated now...
Thanks for the advice everyone, I have contacted some trainers for a one to one session so just waiting for them to get back to me and last nights...
Hi everyone Bit of a touchy subject in our house at the moment and was hoping for some constructive advice. We have a chocolate lab, he is 1 at...
Hi Katy, welcome to the crazy world of Labrador pups :) I had my puppy at 8 weeks and also work full time. when we first had him we had a couple...
He is on chicken and rice at the moment to settle his tummy and I would definitely never starve my dog! I don't think anyone on this site would do...
Thanks everyone, I am going to leave the Tesco stuff and put that down to bad advice and just stuck it out with his dry food, I shall get a...
I may give some yoghurt a try and leave the Tesco stuff for now. Thank you x
His teeth are fine and well cared for, no problems there :( No Tesco right ok, it was actually the breeder we got him off who recommended that...
Hi everyone, just a quick question.... Indy has decided that he no longer wants to eat his kibble (dry food) nothing I do seems to make him want...
sorry everyone I havn't been on for a while. His limp cleared up all on his own :) hopefully it was just growing pains etc. Thank God. Thank you...
spoke to the vets and they advised to rest him for 24 hours and see how he gets on, no walks for Indy today. thanks for the congrats
Hi everyone Just a quick question when would you take your dog to the vet for a limp? We were at a BBQ last night when Indy suddenly started...
Thanks for all the advice everyone really appreciate it, I am going to make a training schedule for him and keep training and training. His...
Thanks everyone, each time we are over a hurdle I feel we hit a new one. We get married next friday so Indy is having a few days in a trusted...
sorry everyone just need somewhere to vent frustration. Indy is now 9 months old, big, heavy and a nightmare. Over the past few weeks I feel...