Sounds like he is not very confidence or comfortable. There is a great resource called Absolute Dogs (they have a section dedicated and designed...
Welcome and there are loads of advice, experience and friendly people on here to support and help! If you haven't purchased the Labrador Handbook...
Welcome!! Enjoy your bundle of joy (they grow up before you know it)!! Lol
I am back! So Sully is 13 months. He is doing amazing with service work. He does a lot of tasks and alerts and he has a wonderful temperament....
Anyone else's Labrador has EPI (pancreatic insufficiency) or Addison's? Just looking for connections and resources. Thank you.
Thank you
Me next. How?
I would like to pay the one time fee yearly to upload photos etc. How much is it again?
Very good thoughts. Thank you! That helps to put things in perspective.
Sully is 19 weeks yesterday! Wow we have come so far. Barking has improved. The crate he does rest in it when he is exhausted but we do not crate...
Thank you!!
Awesome!!! :)
Maybe try absolute dog games, check them out?Calmness, boundaries, etc are all neccessary part of learning to a pup. Trust me learning these...
Sully has been doing amazing but starting this week he has been doing a sit then sliding to a down. He only holds sit for a few seconds then front...
I have heard in the tub which I will be doing in the future for travel etc.
Thank you for posting this. My 15 week English Labrador is suddenly avoiding his harness. Has a loop head hole. I honestly think he has associated...
Hey there I emailed but no response.
@sarah@forumHQ Absolutely. Today again was the same result. He did remarkable. I wish I could post photos easily here! He really shocked me. I...