Sounds like I went through similar with ours. I am no expert but I can tell you from my experience that at first the only way I could get Elsa to...
Hi all, just thought I would update on this for anyone interested. Hope I’m not tempting fate by saying this but things are going pretty well...
I’m interested in this thread. Our 10.5 week old was fed on beta puppy by the breeder so we bought a couple of bags and have continued. Just about...
Thanks for all the suggestions guys. Last night she peed on the towel we put in for her bed as bedding. Just a small wee. And was stood on the...
Many thanks for the detailed reply. Yesterday she had a 3 hour sleep in her crate in the morning and I sat in the room working so I could watch...
We got our gorgeous black lab puppy Elsa at 8 weeks old, 10 days ago. The first 5 days we had no accidents in the crate and actually very few in...