No real plans. Having said that... I would like to train Lumpy to obey commands when he is not close to me. When I say "sit" comes and sits in...
I've been on a trip to the USA for the past month. I left Lumpy with an old work colleague who runs boarding kennels and shows curly retrievers....
Re: Lumpy's Log Thanks to some good advice from here we're back on track. I have lowered my expectations & I'm taking baby steps on degrees of...
Re: Lumpy's Log Thanks for your post Fiona. It makes me feel a lot better about the way things are (or aren't) going. Lumpy was much better on...
Re: Lumpy's Log Correct. Thanks for understanding Barbara. Julie, I never have & never will chase him & make a game of it, but when he is...
Re: Lumpy's Log Um... Yes it is. The oldback yard trainer that used discipline would have come out. I never want to go back there again. I did...
Re: Lumpy's Log I lost it tonight. There was no-one at the park tonight so I thought we would have a good walk. Sit, Stay, Stand, Down all...
Re: Lumpy's Log Tonight's walk was much better, but still nowhere near the standard of 4 days ago. He was slow to recall so I ran away. He soon...
Re: Lumpy's Log I do have a copy of the book. I've stopped reading until I've got some good behaviour down pat. I might need to do some revision....
Re: Lumpy's Log Back to basics. Recall when close & better rewards fo compliance. I've tried very hard not to lose my cool when he's bothered...
Re: Lumpy's Log Lumpy is officially Deaf. For the last 2 days he has refused to recall or heal. He is pulling on the lead & distracted by...
Re: Lumpy's Log The first home game was played at the soccer ground where Lumpy & I walk every day. I really had trouble calling him off the...
Re: Lumpy's Log 7 months. Other dogs are still challenging.
Re: Lumpy's Log I think I can mark April 9th as the day that Lumpy officially went crazy. He is hyperactive, alert and destroying everthing in...
Re: Lumpy's Log We've been in Buchan for 3 days hunting deer. It's a place where you're either walking uphill or downhill. Lumpy woke me up...
Re: Lumpy's Log A few days have passed & I still need the lure to get the down. I think it's something he doesn't enjoys
Re: Lumpy's Log The under the leg thing works a treat, although he needs a bit of a push sometimes. I should have Lumpy down on command in a...
Re: Lumpy's Log I tried that method. Lumpy just watches the treat drop to the ground. Doesn't even bend the elbows. Maybe I should C&T for a...
Re: Lumpy's Log Thanks Julie. The days are getting shorter now & I'm walking Lumpy in the dark more. I got him a frisbee with LEDs, a ball...
Re: Lumpy's Log It's been a while. We've been plodding along & progressing slowly. I managed to call Lumpy off a rabbit & cat in mid pursuit...