Do you prefer dental sticks over toothpaste or vice versa? What do you think is the most effective to remove dog breath?
Noooo. I was just lucky to have a friend that is a trainer! Haha!
Is there like an explanation as to why they love plushies more than rubber toys? My dogs didn't really like playing with rubber toys but somehow,...
She went to a puppy school / training. She was about 4 months that time!! :D
Hello! I've been teaching my dog to get out to the backyard/garden to do her business by pushing the screen door ( this is very light). Have you...
Hi guys! I have a 1-year-old that became very stubborn while on her daily walk. She is in good health and looks forward to going outside but she...
Hello! I give my doggos probiotics drink every other day as prescribed by their vet but it would be better if I use a capsule / tablet ones. Do...
What’s the best way to clean a dog when you aren’t able to give it a bath? My dog is VERY scared of everything. She cowers in the corner shaking...
My dogs tasted cheerios for the first time and went cray cray about it! Is it ok to give some as a snack/ treat?
My dog is a super-fast learner and I would love to hear about what what tricks your lovely dogs know to get some new ideas of what I can teach...
I'm curious about the rare colors of Labradors. Can you share pictures of your labs? :D
Just wondered what products those who clean their dogs' teeth use My dog has tried chicken wings and is fed mainly kibble with some wet food...
Hello everyone! I want to know how many times in a month do you wash your dogs and do you use shampoo?
My eldest is like this too! Never liked walking but loves car rides so much!
Do your dogs have any habit or mannerism that you find strange? I'm thinking if my dogs have any, I'll write on the comment if I finally remember...
Do you have any toothpaste recommendations? Or any homemade ones too! Thank you!
Hello!! I just want to know what are your favorite things to do together with your doggos? My doggos likes to cuddle with me on the bed and...
Kids and dogs are the best
Thank you! Max is a nice nice though! :D I would also go for Princess Sparkle Gemstone! Hahahaha!
I got my first dog as a birthday gift and I was wearing a Polka dots pajamas so I named her Polka. Then I started giving names that start with the...