Hi there. She was worse in the crate and barked to be let out and we tried ignoring etc but found she was better out of it. She seems to just want...
We have an 18 month old golden lab that we have had from a puppy. She has always been an early riser but it is getting earlier and earlier. She is...
Thanks. I am using a special 'dog' cleaner so don't think it has beach on it. Also, she is not doing it in the same place?
I have had my lab puppy for 2 weeks (she is 9 weeks old) and house training has been going really well with very few accidents in the house (been...
Hi Claire. We brought home our 8 week old lab pup 10 days ago and it has been a whirlwind! Great fun but I had not anticipated how relentless it...
Hi all I am a week into having a golden lab puppy and it is EXHAUSTING! We have always had rescue dogs before so a puppy is a new experience. My...