When I say "speak" she will just give a couple of barks. She doesn't continue to bark. We've also taught her "whisper." So she will make a...
It's been awhile since I wrote last. I've been diligently working with Ellie to help her become a better well trained pup. We've made...
You are definitely not alone and I 100% feel your pain. I went through all of this also. While I never considered my pup 95% angel and still...
Ellie will be 12 weeks on Monday. I can't believe we've had her half her life now. It's been a rough road but I believe we are FINALLY on the...
Re: Bonnie still attention biting at 6 months I am very interested in reading replies because my pup will be 12 weeks on Monday and we continue...
Re: How much does your puppy weigh? Ellie at 11 weeks is 15 pounds, which I think translates to about 5 kg. Lisa
Re: Lots of training questions -- long I don't think it's resource guarding. I'll have to read up a bit more on that. She does it mostly when...
Re: Lots of training questions -- long I've read all about bite inhibition. I've done a lot of the suggestions and the only thing that's...
Re: Lots of training questions -- long When she is playing and gets over-excited, yes, it is not aggressive. When she is chewing on the...
Re: A question! I just witnessed something like this the other day at my friend's house. She has three dogs. One is a Pit Bull, one is a Golden...
Re: Lots of training questions -- long She will play but still will not do her business.
Re: Lots of training questions -- long It's been about a week since I posted last so I thought I'd give an update. I made the changes I said I...
Re: Lots of training questions -- long Yes and I take her but she refuses to go. How long do you stay out there? I was out there for an hour...
Re: Lots of training questions -- long I sometimes give her a treat when I put her in the crate. If it's for a timeout then no. If I tell her,...
Re: what dog food do you feed? would purina puppy chow be ok Ellie is almost 10 weeks now and I've continued feeding her what her foster mom fed...
Re: Lots of training questions -- long I don't know if she necessarily "likes" the crate but ever since she peed in it, she doesn't seem to...
Re: Lots of training questions -- long I used the same method with my Airedale pup. Already using that method Ellie relaxes and bites softer. It...
Re: Lots of training questions -- long I must be "tuned in" to all of you because that's exactly what I've been doing the last couple of nights...
Re: Lots of training questions -- long I'm feeling pretty good about our progress since I first started this thread. I think Ellie knows her...
Re: Lots of training questions -- long Initially, I didn't lay wee wee pads down and the first day, she went outside the entire time. The next...