All great advise thanks guys! A little more information; he's been like this since about 7-8 months old, when I mentioned it the vet they said...
I use to buy him millies wolfheart (high quality, high protein), as a pup he'd enjoy that to no ends! But now he's 1 years old he missed a lot of...
I've tried the leaving it down, it doesnt seem to work ... One day he'll eat it then go back to not eating it..... I would change food that's why...
My yellow is closing in on being a year old now! But for the past few months he's been very chosey on whether or not he eats his food (dry food)...
So I learnt today that my lab doesn't like peanuts or peanut butter..... So I'm looking for an alternative treatments for sealing his kong treat...
Re: 9month old puppy growling at my friend Ha it was a typo!
Re: 9month old puppy growling at my friend Cheers for the link! Will give it a read My pup is fine with me touching him all over I can touch him...
Ok so this is strange my puppy growls at my friend when he tries to smooth him, and it happens when I'm not in the room, The situation is my lab...
Re: is it too late to teach bit inhibition? Ahhh thanks for the reassurance!! I was worried that he didn't have bite inhibition I thought it was...
My puppy is now 8 months old, when he's playing or in a really hyper mood with lots of running and play growling he starts to play bite my hand or...
Re: 8month old puppy showing aggression That's a fair comment but what would one do to correct the growling and attempting to bite?
Re: 8month old puppy showing aggression Cheers for the advice we have cats around the house so it's hard to find him a spot to eat it in peace...
So today my puppy has been given a meaty bone (not the first time he's had a meaty bone), he has been showing some signs of food/treat aggression...
Ok not really sure where to post this but I am looking for a nice area where I can swim with my dog in or around the Cardiff area! Let me just...
I'm planning on starting to walk Loki for about 20-30 mins in the morning before his breakfast then then have his full proper walk later in the...
Re: 8 month old lab advice! I contacted millies as well as I was confuses as to which mix to get him they said any 50/50 mix will be good for...
Re: 8 month old lab advice! All sound like great ideas! I'll give them ago :) What about some fresh meal ideas? I'd like to give him special...
Re: 8 month old lab advice! And update with Loki! He just had breakfast where I added warm water to his dry food and he loved it! Finally got a...
Re: 8 month old lab advice! These special meals I feed him are once a month if that... So highly unlikely that's making him be fussy over his dry...
Re: 8 month old lab advice! I'm currently on the 50/50 agility mix but change flavours each time I buy a bag, I've heard about the raw food diet...