Hi Everyone, It has been a very tough and hard 24 hours, but our beautiful Shadow is at peace now. He passed over yesterday evening and it was...
This morning we have seen a different vet but at the same practice. Straightaway, she said she was amazed that Shadow was still here. She...
One final update for tonight. Shadow had his first course of Fluid Therapy, and to be honest there was no improvement in him at all. If anything...
Just a quick update regarding shadow. The vet wanted to see him this morning and he went through all his blood results again. Not only is he in...
well we just heard back from the vet and Shadow has Chronic Kidney Disease, and he is at very high levels. He wants to discuss options in the...
No scans have been suggested yet, maybe when we get the blood results. Although I have noticed a smell from his mouth as did the vet and believe...
Thanks for all the replies so far, they are all very helpful. Shadow has had a full examination of his stomach and all feels fine, no sign of any...
Hi, Our 8 year Old Black Lab will no longer eat any food. It has been well over a week now since his last meal. We have taken him to the Vets,...