Oh I definitely let the puppy know our 4yo is #1. She eats first, she goes out first, she gets treats first. We always separate them when the...
Welcome! I have a 4 year old black lab female and a 13 week old black lab female. How do your two get along so far? We are having some dominance...
Welcome! I just joined a couple days ago. I have 2 black lab females. One is 4 (minnie) and the other is about 13 weeks (Ida). Love being able to...
I say stick with it! I have 2 labs and they keep me very active. If I didnt have them I probably wouldnt move half as much as I do. Our 4 year old...
That's a great idea to look at the parents and their barking habits. When I went to pick my new black lab pup up at the breeder it was silent in...
Yea I just feel bad for my older dog. The puppy is trying to be more dominant and trying to take the house over I feel. When me and my hubby are...
I would take the dog to the vet. Have his hips/joints checked out. We had a black lab until we had to put her down at 12 years old. She would...
We have a 4 year old female lab. She is the sweetest most loving dog! We got a puppy about 2 months ago. Since day 1 this puppy will nip and bite...
When my pup started digging I made sure her nails were trimmed up. This is how they keep their nails down in the wild, they would dig holes and...