Re: Jumping up at people whilst on a walk..... Thanks for all the replies. Yes, I've been doing the sit and keeping his eyes on me, doesn't work...
Re: Jumping up at people whilst on a walk..... Thanks :) bringing some very tasty treats out to lure him back to me if I feel he's going down...
Sorry, I only seem to post when I need your advice :-\ but need it I do! Cosmo is a BIG 9 month old, he has a really annoying habit of jumping up...
Re: puppy weight? Crikes......Cosmo is 34kg at 8 months :o!
Re: Sudden aggressive behaviour Don't worry, I too was really worried as a novice dog owner, my other half has grown up around dogs and was...
Re: Help save my daughter!! Aww, thanks for kind encouraging replies chaps :). He's definitely been responding better to very calm almost silent...
Re: Help save my daughter!! Thanks guys, yep, I step inbetween and pull him away and give him a stern look and 'No biting', sometimes he calms...
Re: Otis at six and a half months. He sounds fab :D well done you! x
I know there are loads of biting problem posts, I see one from Gerry not far below this so apologies!! Cosmo (coming up 6 months) has always been...
Re: New puppy biting and growling! HELP!! Oh my gosh you are not alone!! Cosmo is exactly the same, it made me feel I'd made an awful mistake...
Re: Sofa question! So sad....we were considering a Bernese, they're just so beautiful and cuddly :'( x
Sorry, I'm continually posting questions, but I'm always really interested in your opinions and finding out what you do in certain situations! :)....
Re: New lab puppy Aww....beautiful little doggies!! What lovely pictures :) Have fun! Kate x
Re: First training class today...... Lol, I'm massively inexperienced! Tbh, I was doing it more for the socialisation side of things for now...
Re: First training class today...... Yep, absolutely the same.....Cos just wanted to play with the others, he started whining as if to say 'take...
Re: First training class today...... Thanks guys, yep, I feel uneasy about it......I registered for the classes as it said it was all for kind,...
Re: First training class today...... To be honest, I feel the same way, I didn't envisage doing any wrestling moves on him, I don't want to go...
Well, took Cosmo to his first puppy socialisation/training class today. Blimey, it was bedlam! About ten puppies in all, all desperate to jump on...
Re: Monty's home! Aww, lovely! Sounds like he's settling in really well! Hmm....I haven't a clue what i'm doing but these forums are fantastic...
Re: Sofa question! Lol, love all these replies! Nice to know you're all as 'firm' as me!!