Re: Puffy elbows Thanks! Will do
Re: Puffy elbows Guess I figured it out. [IMG] [IMG]
Re: Puffy elbows How do I do that?
Hey - Frisbee has puffy soft elbows on his front legs. We have tile and hardwood floors throughout the house and he seems to prefer to lie on the...
Re: Food Aggression? Thanks all - I'll let you know how it goes Friday. That's when the behaviorist is visiting.
Re: Food Aggression? They are taking him to a weekly training course for 9 weeks and they have someone coming in to the house for a 90 minute...
Re: Food Aggression? Just the one
My brother has a 3.5 unneutered month old chocolate lab that he is having some trouble with. I told him about the site here but he hasn't jumped...
Re: Getting Frisbee in shape! Help! Thanks. Frisbee likes the frisbees as much as the ball which is a bit disappointing since his NAME is...
Hi all - it's been a while! I'm writing because I think I've let my buddy down. Frisbee is 14 months old now and he's flat out lazy. Some days...
Re: Laugh It Up Fuzzball - AKA Scout! Gonna have a "walking carpet" soon! They get big fast!! Have fun!
Wondering what the thinking on this is. Doc likes to wait on males - says less issues with ACL tears and the like. He's not lifting his leg to...
Hey - need some help here. My 8 month old is primarily taken care of by me. I work from home so he is used to my walks and my voice commands. I am...
Re: Awesome 1 on 1 - crazy around other dogs! Thanks for the replies! I will try the "watch" cue and have him sit when other dogs are going by....
Hey all, Frisbee is a 7.5 months old and he has exceed all of my expectations so far. He's the most laid back, easy going lab I've known. He...
Re: I'm worried. My Frisbee was what we were calling a "land shark"! He would playfully attack my daughters and almost always cut their skin...
Hey all - been a while since I posted - Frisbee has stopped attacking my 4 daughter's and their clothes - just takes time :). I'm back to get...
Re: Puppy Training My Frisbee - who is around 5 months now - does the same thing. He sits on command with ease - treat or no - but the "down"...
Re: Cage Biter My "Frisbee" did this once - broke one of his lower canines! It happened late at night while we were sleeping. He FREAKED out and...
Re: 10 week puppy and my 4 daughters So a week has passed and he's still just as active with the nipping at the legs, feet, hands, w/e of my 4...