Re: 9 weeks old and playing rough ! We had the same issues with Chester but the good new is that it will pass. Chester is now 4 months and does...
Re: Picture of 11 week old chester ha i wondered if anyone would notice Dylan. He is my sisters cross bread but he is a lovely dog too, they all...
Re: Possibly a strange question Thank you all for the replies.
Re: Picture of 11 week old chester lol thanks Labrina, he is a little cutie. Here is a picture of Chester with my mum and dads Chocolate Lab Coco
Hi everyone, This might sound really stupid but thought i would ask anyway. At the minute 11 week old Chester doesnt really like to cuddle up...
Re: New puppy has been home for a week. Steve, Thanks for the advice and for the laugh when i was reading you're post ;D ;D ;D
Re: Hiccups! Hi, I took 9 week old Chester to the vets today for a puppy check up. I mentioned hiccups as he does it a lot too and the Vet said...
Re: New puppy has been home for a week. Chester is already Lord of the manor so its a very fitting name for him :)
Re: Amy and the boys. Wow i cant believe she is only 7 months old :o very very cute though and i cant wait to take Chester out for long walks...
Re: New puppy has been home for a week. Thanks again everyone for the warm welcome. Im glad to hear that it is normal nipping and biting and...
Re: New puppy has been home for a week. Jennyann, Angela, Oberon, Jac, JulieT, Thanks for replying and for the warm welcome :D Angela, no we...
Hi everyone, This is the first post from myself and Katie so thought i would say hello :o) First of all i have been using these forums for a...