I am having the same problem with my Marvin. I, however do believe I must be doing something wrong. He is still boisterous with my husband, but...
And, just because I miss her so-this was my beautiful Sandy baby. She passed a month ago at age 13.4 months. I always thought she was the most...
He was not intended for show, but as a pet and a possible duck retrieving dog. I did see his father and grandmother in "person" lol but only a...
here he is at 6 months. He is a muscular dog for his size. [IMG]
This is Marvin. this pic is a couple months old, but he is 8 months old now and weighs 65 pounds. I have read that it is ok to have some white,...
here is Marvin, not quite 5 months.
I've never heard of a hip sling. Where would I find one of those? I know they took a urine sample, but I have no idea if it was sterile or...
Yes- I was hoping there was something that might help in preventing the infection. I have read a few things like cranberry pills in her food or...
Hi- my 13 year old girl Sandy had a severe urinary track infection. We noticed that she had discolored blood in her urine on a Saturday evening....
Marvin seems to be finding his voice and it is so funny. He will be playing or get excited for his food and let out a ferocious little bark! He...
I did put a little water on it, and fed him a little by hand when he looked distracted. I also mixed in just a smidgen of coconut oil. I've read...
Does a lab puppy go through ups and downs in eating? My guy started out very eager to eat and ate everything immediately. But the last 3 days he...
I came on here tonight intending to ask about this biting business. My guy Marvin is the worst! We can't walk around in the backyard with out him...
So, I called my veterinarian's office today and asked them the question. They said that as long as Sandy seems to be doing well with Petey's...
Thank you everyone for your opinions. It is hard for us to lose our beloved pet- and it was unexpected, too. He wasn't eating well and had some...
hi. I am sorry if this has been answered, but I am not sure where to look for an answer. I have a 13 year old lab named Sandy. Sandy has bad...