Thanks both, point taken about the harness. What's a good length line to get for a pup? Seems to be a few options online. Thanks again, Mango
Hi all, Stanley is now coming up for 4 months old and is turning into a confident and generally well mannered dog. I'm sure this isn't exactly a...
Thanks so much for feedback. It's funny as the 'making a fuss' of him is another one of those things that seems to wind him up again. We can't...
Hello everyone, Over the last couple of days we've noticed a marked increase in Stanley's aggressive behaviour when trying to interact with him....
Thanks everyone. Really interesting and helpful advice. My wife and I are new to all this, so everything is very alien to us and the learning...
Hi all, Anyone have any tips for this? We’ve had Stanley for 10 days now, we didn’t put down training mats when he first came, we were...
Hi there, We have a 9 week old black lab called Stanley. Generally he is well mannered around adults and calm, though we do notice his...
Hi there, I know there are a few topics similar to this around but thought I'd get across my specific issue so I can get advice in one place....