>:( can anybody give me some tips on how to stop the pulling, if feel like my arms have stretched every time I come back off the walk.
Re: Sleep please past 4:30am Thank you for all your replies ;) with the clocks going forward this weekend it won't look so bad :)
Re: Sleep please past 4:30am Hi she is 13 months old She will go to bed when we do 10:30 She always pops out for a pee before And in the kitchen
Can anyone tell me how to get my Lab to sleep in a little longer 4:30 is getting to me now :-\
Re: Re-home Will be sticking around, thanks any ideas to stop her chewing her bed. ;D
Re: Re-home Thanks everyone for your help, but I have made up my mined to keep her, I could not let her go I will make changes to my work ;D
Re: Re-home I live I Gloucester
Hi anybody out there know of anyone how would re-home my 1 year old lab. Due to work I have not enough time to spend with her. She is KC...
Re: Food Thanks everyone for your replies, have put her on James Wellbeloved lamb and rice kibble and she seems love it :)
Could do with some help, on how to stop Martha my 12 month old lab pulling on lead when I take her out, I feel like my arms are going to pop out...
Re: Food Thank you for replies, I have been feeding her on a dry puppy food.she now has started to mess with it and not eat much.
Hi my Lab is now 12 months old, what is the best food for her now.