Thank you all. vet still maintains soft stool is normal. he eats 4 times a day - half cup kibble each time-7:30, 11:30,3:30 ,7:00
Update on Rocky: I took him to vet on Monday instead of calling her . They ran few tests on stool and said everything is fine . She said...
Fiona, I am puzzled by that too. We are vegetarian and do not cook meat at home. I have no clue how to make chicken for dog :( I think I will...
Soft service icecream consistency is spot on at describing his poo.. I will call the breeder and see if he was seeing the same. But, frequency of...
Thank you all . Here is the link to food: I give him kibble as treats, today is Sunday so I will not be able to...
I use kibble brand - Life's adundance large puppy breed kibble , recommended by breeder. For his weight( 14.4 pound) package says -2 and half cups...
Hello everyone , Rocky has always had soft stool( never kickable ) , I had asked my vet , she said it is normal during first few days. After 3/4...
That is so bad. You were si brave to try stop the attack. I am so scared of unknown dogs, I definatley would not have been able to do that....
I am sorry if this sounds silly. I am totally new to clicker traing, dog trainging( even to dogs ) . I am loving the learning process with Rocky....
There is no clicker training for kids .I am working on both , toddler training and pup training. Definitely, it is not easy to tell a toddler who...
I agree about some people winding up dogs . Rocky who follows me around quietly all day long and sleeps at my feet during my work meetings . But,...
It is so nice to hear about your pets. Each one so different from another. Rocky was sick yesterday , diarrhea in the middle of the night and went...
I know , I definately do not want him to bark . He already has such sharp bark , can't imagine gow such sweet thing can make sucha big noise...
Now that we kind of are getting a routine on house training , concentrating more on socialization. We went to daughters day care, shopping mall,...
Thank you for your replies .. It has been difficult but not as much of a struggle as I thought . He is a good boy and taking him to garden outside...
I finally managed to find a spot behind our apartment complex where no one ever goes and it is fenced so I take Rocky there during the day every...
Mossy: I let him sleep , he makes noise to go out at 3 ( he is 8 weeks old) , he only wines to go out , quick pee/poo( he still poops at night,...
Julie : when you leave a puppy with crate inside playpen and papers , if it does poop , will it not mess with it? I have seen Rocky sniffing his...
Finally got sometime , created flicker account just to share pictures with you all lovely people without whom I could bot have survived these...
much better day today . I think we have a routine , though I went back a step, put puppy pads near the balcony door than outside and it helped so...