Thank you, yes checked by a vet and all seems ok. She’s lively, shiny coat etc. What food are you using for Meg. We are using Dr Johns Silver,...
About 6 months ago we Rehomed a 3year old female lab. She had been raised in a ‘barn’ with upto 10 other dogs. We are having problems with food...
Hi lovely Labrador lovers, Molly my beautiful brown lab had a really bad panic attack last night, we found her cowering in a corner, trembling all...
Hi, I wonder if anyone has any knowledge of Laurel berries, my brown Lab Molly was very sick a couple of days ago (on the new carpet of course),...
Hi Does anyone know if the husks of the copper beech leaf are poisonous to dogs. Like all Labs Molly will eat anything and everything. We have a...
Re: Seizure? The Vet was really helpful, gave Floss a thorough check up and said that she was very healthy, good weight etc. She has advised a...
Re: Seizure? Thank you so much for the replies, they are very reassuring. Floss seems to be fine at the moment and we have an appt at the Vets...
Hi, my beautiful 8 yr old black lab Flossie had what I think is a seizure of some kind today. We were out walking when it looked as if she had...
Re: giardia parasite Hi, happy to say that Molly seems to be much improved, her lab tests post anti biotics and worming have now all come back...
Re: giardia parasite Thanks for the encouraging words, I take her back to the Vet on Monday, I'm wondering if I should have my other dog tested...
Hi I've posted recently because Molly my rescue lab has started soiling her bed and various other areas of the house, I've just had a call from...
Re: Bed soiling Just back from the vet, no urine infection, pooh being analysed. We have been prescribed worming powder, antibiotics an adaptil...
Re: Bed soiling She is shut in at night for about 8 hrs I don't think anything disturbs her because she responds to most noise by barking and is...
Hi Lab lovers, can anyone help me please. Molly our 3 yr old recue lab started off with a 'pee' problem, anywhere, anytime,but laways in the...
Re: Water intake. Thank you everyone for the welcome and for all your comments. Our 'special' dog is brown and called Molly. She is settling into...
Hi I have just taken on a 3 yr old Lab puppy! She is very excitable and looks underdeveloped, has had very little excercise and has been kept in a...