Hi everyone, Our lab-springer cross bitch is almost one now and doing great. She toilet-trained quickly at 11-12 weeks old and we have never had...
Some great posts here - thanks. I am having similar issues with 5 month old Mossy. I do call her back when we are out and about and she wants to...
Mossy has improved travelling in the car massively in the last few weeks - no more whining or peeing, just settles down quietly. I am so pleased....
We are in a similar situation and a few weeks ahead of you. I decided to work from home for the first two weeks to help our pup ease in....she now...
Just a few days later and I'm more positive she's enjoying her new life. Tried some banana in a kong and that went down well. Now her stomach is...
Mossy does that too! Sometimes 10-11pm, sometimes a bit earlier.
Mossy is 5.5kg at 12 weeks, but she's 50% springer spaniel so will be smaller than a Labrador I guess.
Thanks for your reassurance! I guess we're both still adjusting to each other. It probably doesn't help that I've reigned in the tasty treats...
So Mossy has been with us for two and a half weeks now. I think that on the whole she seems to be doing ok...sleeping from 11-6, mostly eating ok...
Ok, so folding down the back seat didn't really seem to help. She's not too bad - just whiney and does a pee on the journey. Do you think she'll...
Great improvement today! I had a courtesy car as ours was at the garage. As it was a saloon, I had to put the crate on the back seat instead of...
Mossy (11 weeks) has been off lead at our local playing fields and today at the farm where I have an office. She's been pretty good - generally...
Our 11 week old puppy is struggling with the car. We put her crate in the boot, and for the last two weeks I've just sat her in there and given...
Mossy has now had her vaccinations (last week) and is ready to get out exploring on all fours. We've been taking her out in a bag til now. I...
Jane's advice has worked a treat, thanks. We're now getting sleep from 11.15 til 5.45am and she's doing fine. A shred of normality has returned...
Thanks for the tips! Hopefully this won't last very long! Unfortunately I think this has turned in to a game for Mossy, as I try and retrieve...
Our 11 week old puppy is going mad for snails and slugs. Any tips on the best distractions? It is worst at night when it's time for her last...
Morning all. Well she did great and we all slept from 11.30 - 5.30 so I'm well chuffed with that. Hopefully the middle of the night trips out to...
Hi Fiona. Thanks for your post about this. I was hesitant to let her call out to us when she needs the loo as I thought as I'm trying not to...
That sounds like good advice, thanks.