There is nothing that anybody can say that will make this situation any easier. However, please know that there are many of us who are thinking...
"What gets rewarded, gets repeated." And this isn't just applicable to those intended events during training - it applies to everything, all the...
Hi Tammy, Well, I think there is some mitigation here. By barking your dog was quite clearly indicating that she wasn't happy, for whatever...
I was feeling sympathy for you Emily, honestly I was, but then Cath went and distracted me! ;) Edit: OK, I've read the latest pee in the hotel...
Kate, shame on you! Not for laughing but for not videoing the incident for posterity ;) I'm sure you could have sold copies afterwards...
Hi and welcome to the forum :) What a great photo!
Hi and welcome to the forum :)
Emily, how would Carbon be with a group of dogs? Just wondering whether Phil @Hollysdad could arrange a group walk to coincide with your visit ......
Harv is 4 years old and weighs 33kg. He is a working line Lab and pretty solidly built so I don't see him getting much heavier than this.
Well done the Beanwood gang :)
Hi and welcome to the forum. Imagine this, you are having a fantastic game of football, you run into the box and are just about to shoot and...
Hi Anne Finn sounds very much like Harvey - plenty of intelligence and ability but a little lacking in steadiness ;) I completely agree with...
Wow, scary stuff :eek: So, did you establish what it was in the end? Wasp, bee, nettle ... ?
Poor Merlin - having to put up with the old "honestly, it was the dog" excuse ;)
So sorry to read that you've had to make this decision. RIP Moo.
The first thing that I would say is 'trust your instincts'. If it doesn't feel right at this class and with this trainer then don't feel as if...
Another tip is to not always put the lead on after a recall - sometimes just do a recall and then release your dog again. This breaks the 'oh no...
Hi Has anybody read this book or know much about the author? Some of what he says seems quite...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASSIE :-) (And keep up the good work Selina :-) )
Hi Karen Really sorry to hear about the health problems with Poppy and Merlin. I think its perfectly natural to have some feelings of...