Re: Slow loading times Yeah, I'm not entirely sure what's been happening but I've had to reset the server a couple of times. It seems ok now,...
Re: Slow loading times You want to be careful saying things like that, you could end up with a new job! :D
Re: Slow loading times All Unix based originally, but Apple are as bad as MS for controlling your access to the functionality of the OS. Command...
Re: Slow loading times I did come across something similar some years ago on a forum I looked after. It essentially highlighted appropriate words...
Re: Slow loading times Does it redirect from any specific page? Is it the forums or the main site? It is possible that there is some malware on...
Re: Slow loading times It's a pleasure Pip, I've also done some pruning behind the scenes to try to streamline the database. It seems fine to me...
Re: Slow loading times Apologies for this. The sharp eyed amongst you may have noticed some odd messages for the last few minutes. I have...
Re: SMF Hi Helen, I'm a little confused as we've been running SMF since the site started. When did your issues start?
Re: A pretty banner? How's that?
Re: A pretty banner? How's this? I've borrowed a customised version of a free theme and customised it some more. Let me know what you think...
Re: Smileys not working? I guess the reason it seemed as if it might be browser specific is that some people had the old images cached on their...
Re: A pretty banner? It's certainly possible, we may have to change the theme of the forums to accommodate a banner which might entail slightly...
Re: Smileys not working? For those of you that are interested the problem was caused by me! We used to be on the URL
Re: Smileys not working? Right that should be fixed now. Unfortunately all previously uploaded avatars are unlikely to work, but you should now...
Re: Smileys not working? For those that are interested it would seem that the avatars are still in the folder they are supposed to be in. However...
Re: Smileys not working? I've enlisted the aid of the SMF community to try and get this problem sorted. I'll keep everyone informed.
Re: Smileys not working? I'm slowly beginning to unravel this mystery. The avatars that are showing fine are ones that people have linked to on...
Re: Smileys not working? Is it still gone? I can see your avatar just fine, and all the smileys as well. This is utterly bizarre.
Re: Smileys not working? Nope, it's all up to date. Must be something to do with your browser. :-\ And yes, I'm very geeky. :D
Re: Smileys not working? You called? :D I'll go check. (Incidentally they are fine for me, but I'm using Chrome on a linux OS.)