Greetings, our 18-month old back field lab Teddie is in her 2nd heat...she appears to be more tired than usual. She has been a very active high...
Thank You!!
Teddie is 9-months, active, excellent at retrieving and most all the basics. I'm giving her 30-60 mins per day of exercise with a few days off...
Greetings!!!! What is the best way to train an 8 month old to stay out of the garden berm and do her business in the yard? Would the best way be...
I have a Mac book M2 can anyone please send me the "how to load a pic" in the profile or where to find the info in this site....PS this is an...
Thanks so much....I think you're right was a 2 mile walk using the gentle leader and she was almost perfect for an 8-month old!!
at 8months and all that activity he's most likely over stimulated and needs a rest...his brain is on over load and he needs down time.
Greetings looks like a wonderful information filled site. I have an eight month old female American Black Lab. Highly athletic, energetic, gets...