Tyne is 23 weeks old. She's still doing well on it so would really Like to keep going with it. It's just the amount really! I think I'll try and...
Thanks sb, what did I do wrong? X
Blast, got it wrong....will try again!!
[IMG] Over the fields this morning before it got too hot!
Tyne is now about 20kgs. She's still on Simpsons salmon and potato puppy kibble. It's very good and she's so healthy and shiny and full of life....
With regard to dogs seeping into you, some do. Fern did in only 6 months. Not a day goes by without I feel her around. I like to think she sent...
Lexi is so gorgeous. That was my pups dams name and we nearly called her Lexi too Bet you're having fun! :doug::heart:
Haha, yes she has got big ears. Ferns were big too and we were very happy about that so its nice that tynes are too. Must come from their sire,...
At long last, and I dread saying it but, we have two healthy dogs!! Tyne had a bad tummy upset after her long anti biotic session and lost a lot...
I know how you feel. I've become paranoid about watching Tyne go for a wee. Waiting for the sample report to come back, hopefully today, so I can...
Hi Kate and Donna, thanks for your concern. Tom is still not able to put weight on his leg but is brighter in himself and has eaten again(hand fed...
Yes Kate, me too!! I'm so tired, I don't think it will matter! I just keep thinking that we have had dogs for 37 years and have had the usual...
Thanks again everyone. He's a sorry state but ate his tablet and some of his food, mixed with fish and hand fed! I keep spontaneously crying, he...
Thanks everyone for your support again. They think Tom has an infection and X-rays showed no problem with the actual op. Everything's where it...
Tynes sample came back with a trace of blood still so she's on another week of stronger ABs.. I really hope this will sort it. Am just waiting...
Hope the boys are feeling better and you have a good nights sleep! Xx
Tyne is the same, her back legs grow overnight too! She's not as slim or deep chested as Fern was but I think she will end up lean. She's from...
Haha, and they say the camera never lies!! ;)
Which bit, the wood or the tiles?!! We inherited both with the house last autumn.
Tyne is 9.05 Kg at 11 weeks. Shes going to be tall I think as her legs have grown a lot!