Glad the transition back home is going well!
Any advice to help "teach" pup to discriminate between his toys and kids' toys? So far we've been trading with a treat and having him drop it. I...
I originally posted this on the training page but I meant to put it here. Whoops! Good morning! Thanks to everyone so much for taking the time to...
Thanks for all of the replies. Our last lab was very snuggly and pretty calm from day 1. Argo is just different and I think we need to learn to...
Did your pup snuggle with you while young? Argo is 10 weeks old and will snuggle only when exhausted/right before passing out. It seems like if he...
Thanks for the quick response. We are doing a lot of the ideas in the article. I guess I just feel guilty because Argo has been spending a lot of...
My pup, Argo, will be 10 weeks on Wednesday. We are experiencing nipping when playing. When did this behavior seem to slow down for you all? Also...