Given your words, taking it a bit further, I was told when we got our bundle of fun, he was 'down the gun dog line, rather than the show dog...
Our 10 month old male gets very excited when he's going out for a run on the beach or ball time on the local field. He's 29kg's and his excitement...
We were told ours is Fox Red, North Devon.
There doesn't appear to be a collective name for a group of labradors, I know that 3 or more Pugs is called a 'grumble'. There seems to be...
Thank you so much for that link. I will start to do some of those tricks. We did one of them, (the statue) during one of the training courses I...
Hi, I'm not sure if this is in the correct section. Our previous dogs, both prematurely passed a short time between each other because of what we...
Hi, our Lab, is now 8 months old. He's done three courses of puppy training which we are happy with, something we never did with our previous...
Hi all, newbie to the forum and also Lab ownership. We had two pugs previously and these were our first experience of dog ownership because of our...