When Pippa first wrote about silver Labradors on The Labrador Site, some of our readers responded with really strong feelings about the potential...
I'm very please to hear that, it's so strange how few I see here in the South!
I'm really curious to hear what color your Labs are, if you are happy to share? (I've allowed multi-select for those of us with more than one...
Hi David, I am so very sorry to hear that you are dealing with situation. I can't imagine how distressing it must be for you all. I hate to write...
Welcome to the forum! That is amazing timing, I can totally understand your eagerness to get out and about with her :) I would however wait a bit...
It really does have such a different meaning now, doesn't it!
Hi Martin, Welcome to the forum! It's a really common issue at that age, it's usually because when the puppy feels resistance on the leash they...
That is a frustrating situation, isn't it. Don't punish her, she'll only associate returning to you with the negative experience rather than...
A very warm welcome to the forum, and congratulations on your impending baby arrival! I'm afraid I don't have any personal experience to share,...
A very warm welcome to the forum to you and Gus!
Hi Liam, Welcome to the forum! This is a common problem, and a generally good solution is the opposite of what you might think...or hope! It's...
A very warm welcome to the forum. I'm so sorry you are having such an incredibly stressful time. I don't have any real life experience of...
How stressful for you :( I would go to the veterinarian for this one. The reason being, any stark behavioral change like this can be an...
I'd have a chat with the veterinarian who did his dental check. It could be something is irritating his mouth, or it could be a coincidence and...
Hi there, welcome to the forum. I am sorry to hear you've had a stressful time. I would recommend taking her to a veterinarian as soon as...
What a lovely happy conclusion! Well done for standing firm and using your common sense. It's not always easy with emotional decisions :)
How lovely! A very warm welcome to the forum to you and Tucker :)
Hi Lauren, Welcome to the forum! Sorry to hear you are having issues with your dog peeing in the crate. How old is he, was he previously crate...
How upsetting for you :( Have you spoken to the vet to let them know the issue is continuing? I'd be tempted to get a second opinion from...
That must be really frustrating :( I think a basket muzzle does sound like one possible solution, at least temporarily to potentially help him...