ok ok thank you - good advice. he has a nice big crate which we havent used in months and months, though he was always happy in there - would...
Y Yes checked over by a vet and given some antibiotics, definitely no infection, everything has healed almost completely and he is really happy....
Looking for advice, I have a 15 month old lab who is suddenly peeing and pooping inside after not having done so even once since 6 months old. He...
mmmm I am suspicious something is up, as he also stayed at my sisters for 3 weeks during our house build (him and her great dane are utterly in...
What would be symptoms of a UTI? He is healthy and well, eating and drinking. Seems completely himself. Re change of home - we have moved house,...
I guess he definitely had not the first time as he must have emptied a bloody litre of urine onto my brand new carpet :(:(:(:(. But why would he...
Hi there, Any experience with an older dog (15 months) who has been fully house broken until now - suddenly weeing inside? It has happened twice...
Ok thanks for that, he isn´t coughing or panting, and there is no visual disturbance. He just seems to be scratching a lot, though he has dropped...
This is a pretty weird one, but my 8 month old lab literally developed a big gobble under his chin overnight. Yesterday he looked normal - some...
I think you could have hit the nail on the head here....I think he could be almost the worst possible playmate for her. He is SO BOISTEROUS that...
My 8 month old guy has had a few incidences of being sick, usually we have been unable to figure out why - but he has been well within himself-...
Hello, Just wanted some advice with regards to my 8 month old SUPER excitable lab puppy. My sister just got a Great Dane puppy, she is 9 weeks...
Thanks so much for everyones kind words and encouragement. I tried one more walk at the park with a normal collar and lead, loaded with treats,...
Ok thank you, that sounds like solid reasonable advice. To be honest, he cant cope with much, even our local park with not a soul in it is...
Yes sometimes I take him to a beach a little out of town which is usually pretty empty, but there will still be the odd other dog which he will...
Thanks so much, I think part of the problem now is that he is even a monster on the leash! He is nearly tugging me over, he can´t seem to hear...
Thanks for letting me know I am not alone, this situation has genuinely got me quite down! Taking Huxley to the park used to be one of my greatest...
I was trying to refrain from writing this post, because I thought maybe if I did not write it it wouldnt be true, but literally overnight my...
Its so funny reading all the different schedules - dogs are truly such individuals arent they. We have been so lucky with Huxley, he is fully...
Ok great thanks, I will try the saline solution tomorrow and if it doesnt clear I will take him in for a proper vet check and possibly eye...